She adds: “We've now had over 6 million views on our tutorials and it's still an important way in which new customers discover our brand. I started my business selling make-up face-to-face at parties, but after about four or five months, the make-up tutorials had started to be seen and shared with women all round the world, and thanks to the videos, I changed direction and focused my energy on being an e-commerce beauty brand and YouTube became a big part of my success.” “The videos were first made to explain how the products in the make-up range I'd developed were to be used. It really was a question of being at the right age and having the right idea to act on”, Tricia told us. “I started the business when I was 65 and Look Fabulous Forever allowed me to use all the skills and knowledge I had acquired up to that point. Tricia Cusden, 70, ran an online make-up store called ‘Look Fabulous Forever’, but it wasn’t until she started creating make-up tutorials aimed at older women on her self-titled YouTube channel that she began seeing her e-commerce business take off. Not only is YouTube helping boomers come to terms with getting older, but in some cases it can be a business opportunity too. Stars (and pound signs) in their eyes: How older YouTubers are making money

Once I got past the ‘big five oh’ and the world didn't end, it felt like I could take a breath and get on enjoying the next 50 – the channel really helped me get through that period.” “Starting the channel gave me some focus as well as a fun, creative outlet – being creative always makes me feel better emotionally. “I was fairly freaked out about turning 50 as not only was my youngest child leaving home but also my mum had died in her 49th year, so it felt very weird getting older than she had ever been”, explains 53-year-old YouTuber Joanna Gordon, who runs ‘The 50 Year Old Vlogger’, a channel giving advice to those over 50. YouTube is not only helping over 50s bridge the generational gap, but it’s helping them come to terms with the changes that later life can bring. Cathartic content: How YouTube is helping over 50s come to terms with ageing This shows that not only is YouTube for older audiences but that older YouTubers are able to reach and influence younger viewers too. Having a look at Alan’s subscribers reveals that his audience is mainly Millennials (typically those born between 19), with 43% of his regular viewers being between 25 and 44-years-old.
“The knowledge gained from a lifetime spent as a professional plumbing and heating engineer could help all those starting out with their own house to cut those expensive maintenance bills – I could give something back to help everybody.” “My daughter was struggling with her bills and it made me realise I could help everybody out, not just her”, explains Alan Wall, 66, whose DIY YouTube channel ‘Dereton33’ has 58,000 subscribers.

Over 50s aren’t just content with watching YouTube videos anymore, they’re now active participants, creating and uploading their own video content, sharing the wisdom they’ve learnt over the years, often to incredibly attentive and loyal younger audiences.

YouTube: The Cross-Generational Communicator Added to that, boomers now spend more time online (19 hours a week) than watching television (16 hours) or reading print, making the internet their preferred form of entertainment and news.

Boomers Google the word ‘YouTube’ over 3,600 times every minute of every day.
How old is too old when it comes to being internet famous? We may traditionally think of the internet, social media and computers in general as the preserve of the young, but with baby boomers (those roughly over the age of 50) becoming increasingly tech-savvy, time-rich and financially comfortable, it looks like they’re engaging with YouTube more than ever.Īccording to a report by Google and Ipsos, over half of baby boomers watch online video, and YouTube is by far the most popular site, with 82% of over-50s using it. How YouTube became the go-to video platform for the older generation